
C1: Protecting Love: Enter The Princess Child

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The Story of Protecting Love

Chapter One: The Princess Child

A crescent moon shone through the eery, dark sky. Clouds floated aimlessly by, while the natural made light poured onto the buildings below, illuminating an unaccompanied female.

Except she wasn’t by herself. Two menacing figures were hidden by the shadows, watching, peering, at her as she walked by.

“Well, if it isn’t Kouja’s granddaughter!” The first man snickered, though calling him a man was a little far-fetched. He was hardly out of his teens, and he still bore a childish face, despite the fresh scars that decorated his cheeks. The glint in his eye told that he was up to no good, and that he was prepared for action.

“All alone and scared!” The teen’s partner, a short, pudgy, bald fellow, sneered. He had a chain in his hand, and the look that he had said that he was going to enjoy whatever they had planned.

The girl seemed to recognize them as she turned around. “Oh great,” She rolled her eyes sarcastically, and took a defensive position. “Not you guys again.”

The pudgy man laughed. “I’m sure if we kidnap Kouja’s granddaughter, he would surely give up money for your safety,” He tightened his grip on the chain as he stepped forward.

“Seriously?” The girl acted as if this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened.


A single turtle stood on the ledge of a building. His eyes were closed as the ties of his red mask flapped in the wind, and he sighed peacefully. This was a rare moment moment for him, and he was enjoying it. “Ah...I should do this more often. It’s so quiet without the others!”

An outraged cry broke the turtle’s ‘quiet’. “You little brat! What did you call me?”

“Arg!” The turtle’s eyes flew open as he wished, just for once, that there would be no action.

As he quickly leapt across several building rooftops, he heard a young woman’s taunting voice.

“I said you’re a fat, ugly, bald man!!”

The turtle peered over the edge of the precipice. A girl was making faces at two hoodlums, one of them boiling with rage.

“I AM NOT!!” The ‘fat, ugly, bald man’ protested.

“Dude, really?” His accomplice was unmoved by the girl’s words, and didn’t seem to understand his friend’s frustration.

“You look like an angry gorilla right now!” This girl was either really brave, or really stupid.

What’s going on down there? The turtle wondered as he stood up. Despite several battle scars, and even a crack in his shell, there was a sense of regality and heroism surrounding him.

“That’s it! I’m gonna crush you!” The pudgy man yelled as he charged the girl.

Much to the turtle’s surprise, as well as the two men, the girl didn’t run. She didn’t even scream. She merely braced herself, and as her attacker drew near, delivered a high flying knee kick, hitting the man directly in the jaw. In just a couple time frozen seconds, blood began to drip out the corner of his mouth, and he spit out a couple teeth. Falling to the ground, the man muttered a shocked, and painful, “Ouch...”

The girl didn’t flinch. She assumed another position, and stared at the teenager.

He wasn’t phased, and even seemed amused as his partner fell to the ground. “I guess he trained you well. However...” He snapped, and suddenly there were several more attackers. They were different though, not regular street punks or gang members. They were professionals, dressed in black ninjutsu garb. They appeared even crueler, and more talented, than the girl’s first oppressor.

This time she did flinch, a sweat droplet dripping down her cheek as she tried to plan how to take them all down. One middle aged hotheaded goon wasn’t a problem, but several high-powered ninjas? She had her doubts.

But as she closed her eyes, she heard the sickening crunch of a punch to the face. wasn’t hers. She hadn’t been touched. As she opened her eyes, the bodies of two ninjas fell unconscious, meeting the frozen, hard concrete.

And standing before her was her savior, her hero. A personal bodyguard.

But he was a turtle. A turtle of all things.

The tall, scarred teen smirked. “Heh. What’s this? A freak show?” The ninjas beside him laughed.

The turtle growled. They just had to start name calling, didn’t they? “Oh that’s it!” In a movement quicker than the girl had ever seen, the turtle struck at the aggressors. He was nothing more than a green blur, causing confusion in the enemy’s midst. And once again, the girl’s would-be kidnappers were out cold.

The turtle cracked his knuckles as one of the ninjas dropped at his bare feet. He was unaware that he had left one man standing.

Heh, I got you now! The marauder thought seconds before a loud crack was heard. The man staggered, then collapsed to his knees, before falling face forward to the ground.

The turtle turned around, confused at the sight.

The girl was standing there, an old guitar in her hands. The man, delirious now, was mumbling things under his breath. He wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. “Oh...I think I hit him hard,” The girl almost, almost, had remorse in her voice.

The young hoodlum looked surprised at the ninjutsu masters’ defeat. Arg, this doesn’t look good! I better sneak away... Taking off running, the teen yelled in surrender, regardless of of his thoughts of ‘sneaking’.

“Hey!” The girl yelled. “Come back here!”

“Let him go,” The turtle said, although he knew if he was alone, he would have pursued.

Disbelief spread over the girl’s face.

“Anyways, you’re safe now. I should be goi-”

“THAT WAS SOME AWESOME NINJA MOVES!” The girl was filled with admiration and adoration.

That’s not what I expected to hear, The turtle thought to himself. It started dawning on him that he might have an even bigger problem on his hands now than ninjas and gangsters.

“You beat those guys in seconds!” The girl gushed. “I’ve never seen anything like that!”

“Look,” The turtle began. “It’s late. You should be heading home,” He turned away to leave.

“Aww! Wait a min!” The girl protested. “Thank you for saving me Green mask Dude.”

The turtle sighed. “You’re welcome,” And with that, he disappeared over a brick wall.

The girl clasped her hands together, stars in her eyes. “That was such a cool cosplay.”


A few nights had passed since the incident. Once again the moon shone down onto the buildings below, it’s timid light revealing a figure. The familiar red bandana was draped over the turtle’s shoulder as he breathed in the city air. “Another quiet night,” He spoke aloud to no one in particular.

“It sure is!” A girl’s voice added.

The turtle jumped back.

“I’m bored. Any ideas on what to do?” She asked.

“ long were you standing there?” Frustration was etched across the green teen’s expression. He was a ninja! That did not include letting adolescent females sneak up on him!

“Hmm...let’s see. About an hour,” The girl laughed.

The turtle blinked. An hour? “It’’s not safe,” He stuttered. “Not for a girl in the city at this time of time.”

“Well, duh,” The girl sat on the lip on the building. “But I’m safe up here!” She giggled.

“...And trying to find me. Right?” The turtle guessed, huffing.

“Maybe!” The girl grinned.

What did I get myself in to...? The turtle asked himself.

“So I never got your name by the way!” The girl said as she gazed at her green hero.

“Cause I never told you. But if you really want to know, it’s Raphael,” The turtle, now known as Raphael, muttered without a care.

The girl gazed off momentarily. “That’s a nice name. Raphael...” She replied, leaning closer to him.

Leaning on the edge of the building, Raph closed his eyes. One eye popped open as he felt something poke his face.

“So what’s your cosplay anyways?” The girl questioned curiously as she continued poking him.

“Cosplay?” Raph couldn’t tell if he was flustered or confused. It was probably both.

“You know! Your costume?” The girl still did not cease in her poking.

“This...” Raph knew it was best to tell her upfront, although this decision caused him to nearly hit the the ledge in annoyance. Maybe it was best this way though. She’d probably finally run off. “This isn’t a costume, okay? I’m a mutant. A giant, mutant turtle.”

“Wow,” The girl pulled back, her poking having finally ceased. “And I thought your ‘costume’ was well done. But...but that’s even cooler!” Her eyes were filled with excitement.

“Wait a minute,” Raph froze. “Cooler?! You’re not freaking out that I’m a giant, ugly, green mutant?” He stared at the smiling girl.

“Why would I be scared?” She giggled. “Turtles are cute!”

“C..cute?” Raph stammered.

“You’re also a nice mutant,” She added. “And they way you kicked those bad guys’ butt the other night was just amazing!”

Raph contemplated this. “Well, I was pretty cool out there.”

“So does this mean we can be friends?”


“Pleasepleaseplease!” She begged.

“Fine,” Raph turned around, crossing his arms. “But you can’t tell anyone about this!”

“Oh. Em. Gee!” The girl squealed. “I promise!”

“You know,” Raph looked at the girl. “I never got your name either.”

“Oh, oops!” She laughed. “My name!” Himeko radiated under Raph’s gaze.

“Okay Himeko. How about we meet here every Friday night?”

“That’s perfect!” She beamed.


Raph jumped down onto the building that he had befriended Himeko on just a week earlier. She’s not here. Did she forget? Raph wondered, although he speculated how it was impossible to forget meeting giant turtle who knew ninjutsu.

He was right though. It was impossible to forget, and forget Himeko did not. In fact, she was right behind him. This is perfect! She thought. I’ll scare him with my sneak attack! Racing up to him as silently as possible, Himeko had misjudged Raphael’s ninja skills. Just as the thought ‘Here I go!’ crossed her mind and she leapt, Raph grabbed her by the arm, tossing her over his shell. Himeko landed hard on her back.

Shoot! Raph thought to himself. I didn’t know it was her! “Himeko?”

“Oops,” She laughed in pain. “To slow.”

“Why the shell did you do that? Are you okay?” Raph asked as he knelt down to the bruised girl.

“Heh, sorry. I thought I would get you, but I guess I still ned more training,” Himeko was slightly embarrassed by the whole ordeal, and she rubbed the back on her neck.

“Training?” Raph was intrigued.

“Yeah. My grandpa used to be a sensei, but now he owns an antique store. When he has spare time, he trains me,” Himeko blushed, looking down at her feet.

Raph gazed off into the night, his mind turning.

“...but I still have a lot to learn!”

Raph didn’t even think before he spoke, and the words that came out of his lips surprised even him. “I could help train you.”

Himeko lit up like a Christmas tree. “That would be so awesome!”

Raph nodded. “So I’ve been meaning to ask you. When I first met you, you had a guitar. Do you play?”

“Oh no!” Himeko laughed. “My older sister is a famous singer, and I wanted to make a costume to look just like her!” Sighing, Himeko grew sad. “She travels a lot so I hardly see her...” Pulling out a pair of headphones, she stuck them over Raph’s ears. “These are some of her songs! Her band is called Snake Rain.”

The music that filled Raph’s skull sounded extremely familiar. “Oh wait!” He recollected his younger brother holding a CD with hearts in his eyes, "I love this band!". “Now I remember. This is Mikey’s favorite band.”

“Who’s Mikey?” Himeko asked, and Raph realized she was very near to him.

“Gah! Not that close!” Raph yelled as she flew back.

“Oops! Sorry” She apologized, but Raph knew she wasn’t. She was smiling.

“He’s my brother...Actually, I have three,” Raph answered her question hesitantly.

“Are they trained martial experts too?” Himeko looked excited.

“Yes, but,” Raph grinned at this, “They’re not better than me!” He bragged.

“Well, it’s getting late,” Himeko sighed. “I should be heading home. Hey,” She flashed him her pearly whites. “You can give that CD to your brother.”

“You don’t mind?” Raph asked. He knew this was her connection to her sister, and without it, well, it’d be like him without his sais.

“Of course not!” He recognized that look. She had plenty of spares back home.

As Himeko waved goodbye, she finished with, “I’ll see you next Friday Raphie!” And then she gone, leaving a very perplexed Raphael.



Several months had passed since Raph had started his weekly excursions, and in that time, it took his youngest brother to start putting things together.

“Hey Donnie,” The freckled ninja began. “Have you noticed Raph’s been weird lately?”

The genius paused in his welding, and looked at his orange clad brother. “Now that you mention it...”



A pair of nunchaku hit Raphael square in the face, dazing him.

“Whoa...” Mikey breathed, gasping. “That’s the first time I’ve ever hit him!”

Raph and Mikey’s two other brothers, Donatello and Leonardo, stood shocked. Raph was their most skilled fighter, and Mikey was, well, not.

“Good...job?” Leo congratulated the orange clad turtle.


“Hey Raph,” Mikey bounced into the kitchen where his older brother was leaning on the countertop watching his pet turtle, Spike, chew on a leaf. “I got that movie you’ve been waiting for forever to see!” He knew how much that Jackie Chan film meant to Raphael.

“Not right now Mikey,” Raph sighed as he watched Spike take another bike of lettuce.


End Flashback

Donnie picked up his torch again. “He has seemed rather odd lately. Plus he goes off by himself every Friday night.”

“You’re right!” Mikey’s eyes were wide. “He’s hiding something from us!” Running off, he sounded excited. “I’m gonna be like a ninja and spy on him when he leaves tonight!”

“But Mikey!” Donnie called out, but to no avail. “You’re already a ninja...”


Raph raced along building rooftops. He was completely unaware that he was being watched- and followed- by his goofy younger brother. “Ha ha! Just as I thought!” Mikey laughed. Due to having practiced his entire life running and hiding from Raph, running ahead and staying hidden wasn’t that much more difficult. He quickly landed on a rooftop several blocks further. “Now I’m ahead! And all I have to do is wait!” This time though, the predator had become the prey.

“Heh,” Himeko whispered. “Now I’ve got him!”

“Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling?” Mikey asked out loud just as female body tackled him.

“Ha! I got you!” She laughed triumphantly.

“Got who?”

Himeko turned around to face a rather confused Raphael.

“If you weren’t there-” Himeko started.

“Mikey!” Raph called out angrily. “Why are you here?!”

“Just checking on you!” Mikey attempted to defend himself while he glanced over Raph’s shoulder to Himeko. “And why are you alone with a girl?”

That’s when Raph did something that he never did. He blushed.

“Umm...Raph? Is he okay?” Himeko asked worriedly. “I’m sorry about that!”

Raph covered Mikey’s mouth quickly. “Oh, he’s fine! Don’t worry about it!” Turning at his mischievous brother, he glared. “Behave! Got it?”

Mikey nodded. “Okay, okay!”

“You must be Raph’s brother! I’m so sorry about a second ago!” Himeko was remorseful.

“Hehe, it’s okay,” Mikey smiled at the girl’s attention. “I’ve had worse. Really!”

While Mikey talked to Himeko, Raph started to realize that they were surrounded. “Keep your guard up!” He called out. “We’re not alone!”

Immediately, Mikey and Himeko took fighting stances. “Foot Soldiers?” Mikey asked redundantly. “There’s a lot of them! How are we gonna get them all?”

“Its not gonna be easy,” Raph growled. “Not with just the two of us,” He didn’t see the lone Foot Soldier sneak behind Himeko, wrapping his arms around her, causing her to shriek.

“Himeko!” Raph yelled. “Don’t you dare touch her!” Raph went into full ninja mode, punching Shredder’s minion straight in the face. Himeko fell out of the marauder’s arms, only to be scooped up by Raph’s. “Mikey!” He shouted at his brother. “It’s to dangerous!” Raph never thought he would speak those words, but there was always a time for miracles. Besides, he had Himeko to care for.

“Hey! Wait up!” Mikey yelled out for his brother, who had already taken off with Himeko. “Don’t leave me!” Taking a leap of faith like Raph, Mikey tripped over the precipice, falling directly into a dumpster.

“Stop fooling around Mikey!” Raph snapped.

“Coming...” Mikey answered shakily.

As the turtles ran, they did not see the figure standing with the rest of the Foot. “Wait,” The person said. He or she was decked out in armor, something similar to the Shredder. “We’ll let them go this time. I want all four of them in one place!”


“We finally lost them!” Raph gasped for air. He leaned against a wall for support, his muscles shaking. He hadn’t felt this way since Leo had had them do wall squats for two hours straight.

“That was to close!” Mikey was bent over, also trying to catch his breath.

Himeko was silent, just gazing around.

“What are we gonna do about her?” Raph whispered to Mikey.

“It’s to dangerous to bring her home!”

“I dunno if we should-” Raph was cut short.

“Um, Raph? Where is she?”

“Huh? Himeko!” Raph only heard his echo.


“We cannot leave them behind!” Captain Ryan was being insistent again. There would be no leaving team members to face hungry human eating aliens.

“But Captain!” His sidekick’s whiny voice rung out. “It’s to dangerous out there!”

Leo watched in anticipation. Despite having actually seen this show many times (to many to count according to his brothers), this part always left him feeling excited.

“Ohhh! I’ve seen that episode! The ending was so unexpected!” A female told Leo.

“I know! It’s one of my favorite episodes!” Leo pumped his fists in excitement. “As a leader, I must protect my comrades...’”

“...And to save the innocent!” The girl finished.

“Wait...who are you?” It hit Leo that there was a complete stranger, a girl no less, talking and quoting lines from Space Heroes to him.

“Oh, hi,” She smiled.

“Umm...Donnie, did you invite a girl here?” Leo looked at his geeky brother.

“No, why do you ask?” Donnie fidgeted, but it wasn’t because of the girl he didn’t know. He only had one thing on the brain.

“Hello!” The girl waved.

“How did she get in here?!” Leo hushed his voice very quickly, leaning in as Donnie and he quickly went into discussing.

“I don’t know! But this is bad!” Donatello glanced back at the girl.

“What’s with all the commotion my sons?” Master Splinter stepped into the room.

“Oh wow,” The girl’s expression was pure esteem. She lifted up a cracker, and appeared to try and coax Splinter. “Aw! You’re a cute rat! Wanna cracker? It’s cheese flavored...”

“We don’t know how she got here Master Splinter!” Donnie’s complex brain was clearly going into overload as he tried to figure out how this happened.

Splinter took the cracker from the girl, and ate it. “Hmm...I see. Then how did she get here?” More than anything he was asking himself, quietly munching on the cheese flavored cracker.

He took the cracker! The girl thought. So cool!

“It was me...” Raphael stepped in. “Sorry Master Splinter. It’s my fault.”

“It’s alright Raphael. Just explain what happened.”


“...Ah so the Foot Clan appeared. And that’s how she ended up here,” Splinter nodded. “You did the right thing, but now you are responsible for her safety. When it’s calm out there, you will make sure she gets home safely.”

“Of course Sensei,” Raph bowed, thankful that his sensei, and father, was so understanding.

“She is welcome to our home,” Splinter rested his hand on Himeko’s head.

“Aw! Thanks!” She grinned.

“So Raph,” Leo chuckled.. “This is what you’ve been doing ever Friday, huh?”

“NOT A WORD!” Raph growled.

“Ha! You’re redder than your bandana!” Leo continued laughing.

“Our stubborn brother has a soft heart!” Donnie joined in.

“You shouldn’t talk Donnie! Or should I tell April about your desktop pic of her?!” Raph knew how to get at least one of his brothers to shut up.

“No! Please! I’ll be good!”

“Ha ha this is to funny!” Leo just kept at it.

“What about me?” April came in.

“Ah!” Donnie had to catch his breath. “Oh! Hi April! No, there was nothing going on here! Heh heh...”

“Uh huh,” April didn’t buy it for one second as Donnie continued to over-do his explanation. “So what’s with the new girl? She looks familiar...”

“Oh!” Mikey piped up laughing. “She’s Raph’s girlfrie-”

“MIKEY!” Raph would have bopped Mikey on the head, except for the fact that he was to far away.

“Oh, now I remember,” April grinned. “She goes to the same school as me! She’s famous for her cosplays,” Pulling up her laptop, April clicked on something. “Here, I’ll show you,” There were several pictures of Himeko. One showed her in a kimono, gazing at a flower as if a long lost love had given it to her. Another had her posing with a salute, and yet another had her holding a large sword, which made Leo drool.

“Wow!” He exclaimed. “Look at the size of that!”

Of course, Donatello, being the brainiac, had questions. “How can she lift it?”

“Hey,” Himeko looked around for something to do while the others gawked at her. “What’s that over there?”

Mikey, being the only one not really interested, grinned. “That’s ‘Super Combat 3’! Raph’s NEVER lost at that game!”

“Heh,” Raph heard his name with ‘never lost’. “Well, it’s not really that much of a challenge. I never even got a decent challenger!”

“That’s cause you always cheat!” Leo attempted to defend his gaming honor.

“A challenge?” A cocky look spread across Himeko’s face. “Then I challenge you!”

Raph froze.

“And I’ll defeat you with no problem,” Himeko continued, gazing at his brothers for support.

“Ohhhhhh....” A hush went over all in the room, all waiting for Raphael’s reply.

“I accept your challenge.”

“Bring it!” Himeko pumped his fist in excitement.


“Ready,” Leo said with a bated breath.

“Set...” Despite having several projects waiting for him in his lab, Donnie wasn’t going to miss this for the world.

“GO!” Mikey shouted.

The room was filled with silence. Then, in the matter of a blink of an eye, all ears could hear a quick clicking. Raph’s three fingered hand was having a difficult time keeping up with Himeko’s slender five-fingered ones. Shell, she’s good! Raph began to sweat as he struggled to keep up with her.

He’s fast! Himeko was determined to beat Raph, but she started wonder if she could.

“Ha!” Raph laughed aloud. “I got you this time!”

“Woohoo! Go! Go!” Mikey chanted, not being able to stay still.

“Look at them go...” Leo whispered, knowing that he stood no chance of winning against either of them in this game later.

“Oh yeah?!” Himeko called out to Raph. “Well take that!” She didn’t even smile as her points climbed. She was to intent on winning.

“Insane...” April couldn’t believe her eyes. Their fingers were moving way to fast for it to be humanly possible.

“They’re on fire!” Donnie exclaimed.

Just as the game was coming to end, there was a spark, followed by a loud sputtering. In an instant, the game froze, and the screen died.

“We...broke it?” Raph breathed.

“Oops...” Himeko was disappointed that it couldn’t have lasted just a few seconds longer, just enough for her to win.

“Well,” Raph stood up arrogantly. “It was me who won anyways.”

“What?!” Himeko thought he had to be kidding. She had had more points! “No way! I had you!”

“No, you were to weak,” Raph corrected her.

April turned her face from the argument, and looked at Leo. “He seems different with her.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve never seen him this cheerful before,” She smiled slightly as they could hear Himeko’s protest.

“No fair Raph!”

“Oh. You mean like when Donnie sees you?” Leo blurted out, recognizing the expression on Raph’s face as the same one that Donnie so often had.

“What do you mean?” April was taken back.

Donnie blinked, shocked that his brother would say such a thing to April! Without thinking, which was very rare for him, Donnie lifted his bo staff, hitting Leo on the top of the head.

“Donnie!” He cried, his eyes tearing up. “What was that for?!”

“There was a fly on you,” The purple banded turtle replied nonchalantly.


Time had passed. Whether it had minutes or hours, no one was for sure, but Raph did know that it was no doubt time for Himeko to go back home. “It seems calm now. You should be safe,” He sighed. “I hope my brothers didn’t bug you to much.”

“Are you crazy?” She laughed, that welcoming sound echoing down the empty street. “They’re awesome! I was hoping that next time I could see them again...”

Raph coughed. Her with his brothers again? Just to give Mikey another chance to embarrass him?

“I’m sure if you met my sister you would like her!” Himeko beamed. Raph had shared his family with her, and she only wanted to do the same.

“Yeah,” He chuckled. “But I don’t know if she’d agree with you hanging out with a giant turtle.”

“But I like giant turtles!” Himeko protested, blushing slightly. “They’re cool...”

“Like?” Raph was caught off guard by the way she had said that word. It was like when Donnie said he liked April. “Well look at the time! I better go!” Wheeling around Raph headed off into the darkness.

“Did I say something wrong?” Himeko asked herself.


Himeko slunk back into her home, hoping that her grandfather hadn’t noticed she’d been gone so long.

“You’re home late,” A voice spoke to her. It was not her grandpa, but instead, someone extremely feminine.

“I thought you wouldn’t come tonight,” Himeko whispered, turning around.

“Wow!” The woman winked. “You’ve grown up so much little sis!”

“Kagami?” Himeko was still surprised. “What are you doing here? You’re gonna have a concert soon!”

Kagami removed her boots from Himeko’s table and stood up, stretching. “You let me worry about that!” Pulling out a cigarette, she lit it, taking in a breath.

“So you came to see me and Gramps?” Himeko asked.

“You?” Kagami breathed in the smoke. “Yes,” She hesitated. “And I don’t think the old man would want to see me.”

“Hey,” Himeko huffed. “Don’t smoke in my room!”

Kagami started to strut around Himeko’s small bedroom, ignoring her younger sister’s complaint.

“Why are you really here?” Himeko sighed.

“I heard an old friend came here,” She swung her hips. “So I want to visit them,” Kagami  paused in her step. “Just an old friend...”

“Oh...” Himeko looked hurt. “Okay...”

“By the way,” Kagami gazed down at Himeko, a glint in her eye that Himeko couldn’t pinpoint. “Who’s that guy you’ve been talking?” She laughed. “Sneaking out at night and cruising with boys, just like you’re older sister.”

“Arg!” Himeko clenched her fists. “No! No, you don’t understand. Raphael and I are just friends.”

“Oh, nice name,” Kagami puffed on her cigarette again. “To bad I didn’t see him,” She sighed. “My little sister, all grown up!”

“Please don’t tell grandpa!” Himeko burst out.

“Shhh....” Kagami placed her first finger over Himeko’s mouth. “As long as you don’t tell the old man you saw me.”

Himeko sighed. “Sis...”

The story you just read is a fanfiction of :iconwolffangmireiyu: WolffangMireiyu's TMNT comic starring her OC Himeko: [link]

I converted the comic to fanfiction for her, and I can do the same thing for you too! Interested? Just check this out: [link]


In the first chapter of Protecting Love, Hamato Raphael saves a teenager, Himeko, from some Purple Dragons and Foot Ninja. After being tracked by his thankful admirer, Raphael gives in to her persistence, and decides to become friends.

After months of secretly meeting, Raphael is tracked by his youngest brother, Michelangelo, and all is revealed. With another attack of the Foot, Himeko is brought back to the lair, and a vicious battle of Raph versus Himeko ensues over a video game, in which in the end, the game is left broken.

Once Himeko is safely brought home, she discoveres that her sister, Kagami, is there, but that she is only in town to meet somebody...


Please leave me a comment telling me what you think of my writing!


Proud to be called a Donatarian!
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DragonPawJe13's avatar

Very cool Story! :) Is there a chapter 2?